[Checklist] What to look for in a React developer
If you are looking for to hire a React Developer you can evaluate these items:
- High-level proficiency of JavaScript and ES6 (Destructuring, Promises, Object Literals, asynchronous methods).
- Understanding of Redux and Hooks for state management
- Understanding of Node.js and NPM for third-party integrations
- Can set up a database and interact with its APIs
- Has knowledge of MVC design pattern
- React-Router
- Use of a State Management Tool like Redux (Actions, Action creators, reducers, Sagas).
- Testing through a tool like Jest and Enzyme.
- UI Components library (The most popular is Material-UI).
- Deployment in service like Vercel or Digital Ocean.
As you can see, there are many things that a React developer needs to know to be a senior developer, and the majority of these skills are learned by developers after 3 years. Even, in IT Staff augmentation companies it's very common to hire only developers with this experience.